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נוצות שחורות
What do my parrot's feathers say about his health???
Dry and brittle feathers - the parrot's feathers should be soft and flexible and not feel hard and dry. Dry feathers may indicate a moisture problem in the home. Eventually this will result in dry and itchy skin that may lead to peeling. It will also dry out the nasal passages which usually leads to infection if left untreated. You may also notice that your skin and hair feel dry. A humidifier will help - especially in the winter months which are among the driest.
Dull Color - If your bird's feathers look cloudy, it is often the result of a lack of sunlight. Many of us without outdoor aviators are forced to rely on full spectrum lighting instead of natural sunlight. If your bird does not have access to sunlight rather than full spectrum lighting, the lack of vitamin D3 they provide will eventually become a health problem. Vitamin D3 is necessary for the absorption of calcium in the diet. Calcium is extremely important for your bird.
Feathers change color
Color change - Feather colors, such as black tips on feathers, or the appearance of feathers that are not part of the normal color of your parrot species (such as a red feather on a gaku where there should be a gray feather) are almost always nutritional problems that affect the liver. You should also see your vet about this. Nutritional issues affecting liver and feather colors are an indication that the problem is ongoing. Your veterinarian can diagnose the condition of the liver and prescribe supportive care while you work on improving your diet.
פסים על נוצות
Pressure bars - these are strips of faded or pigmented sections or structurally weakened lines that run across the feathers. In young birds they are usually caused by temperature or environmental fluctuations during the production of their first set of feathers, and as long as the bird is properly cared for, future feathers will grow normally. In older birds, this reflects a more serious problem because it indicates that there are deficiencies in the care of the bird. It almost always points to a nutritional issue, but it can also be the result of a period of emotional stress. Since stress bars occur during the formation of the feather, . Sometimes the use of antibiotics can create this phenomenon.
broken feathers
Ruffled feathers - Try to arrange the cage to minimize any contact of the parrot's tail or wings with things in the cage... If one area of feathers seems to be disturbed, it is usually not the result of plucking, there may be a toy or even the bars of the cage rubbing against your bird while it is placed in her favorite place. Sometimes a cage that is too small or too busy causes the parrot's tail or feathers to touch the bars of the cage and destroy them.
black feathers
Blackened feathers - this could mean there is excess fat in the blood. Usually a warning sign that there is excess fat or protein in the body. Vitamin A deficiency, almost certainly the result of poor nutrition, this indicates that the problem is becoming serious and you should contact your veterinarian immediately to determine the cause of the change and administer medication as needed.
תוכי מורט
Massive feather loss -   The disease of the beak and feathers.. a serious infectious disease with extremely low chances of recovery.. At the moment of the outbreak, you can notice the loss of feathers and abnormal growth of the beak and nails
Mort parrot
Plucking - a parrot that plucks its feathers is usually associated with a mental problem. usually caused by boredom or frustration. Once the parrot starts it may become an obscene habit that is difficult to get rid of. Usually the head feathers remain intact because the parrot cannot pluck them.
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